Gavin McCarthy is a freelance illustrator and graphic artist. This blog is a collection for various sketches, experiments and new work. Comments are always welcome and encouraged. All blog content © Gavin McCarthy

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New Work and Phone - One of Us, One of Us...

Yep, that's right, up until now I lived life without a cell phone (well, that is not entirely true, I had an old Nokia brick for about 2 years but never used it). You might ask "how did you function professionally without one" and my answer is "very well".

You see, I live in a major metropolitan area littered with WiFi and most of my correspondence is by email. Often finding myself in a coffee shop when away from my office phone/computer, I was able to utilize the complimentary WiFi to check my inbox (That and I don't get out much). It really came down to the simple fact that I really didn't need one working as a freelance illustrator in a home studio. I got good at planning ahead, being punctual for meetings and knowing where I was going. Not having the luxury of a phone actually made me really organized. Personal life was different.

Being phone-less often got me called a "Luddite" by some friends but it didn't bother me when I was able to notice a nice blue sky or some interesting detail often gone ignored by those glued to their little screens. Seeing peoples vacant faces held over that blue glow always gave me chills. Maybe that was the other reason, perhaps at times I am a bit of a Luddite.

But nonetheless, I have joined the ranks of the future, the future that was 5 years ago, and got myself a nice little smartphone. Here is hoping that I don't forget to look up and enjoy the view once in a while.


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