Gavin McCarthy is a freelance illustrator and graphic artist. This blog is a collection for various sketches, experiments and new work. Comments are always welcome and encouraged. All blog content © Gavin McCarthy

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Toronto Game Jam 2014

This past weekend was the Toronto Game Jam 2014, otherwise referred to as TOJam 9. For those unfamiliar, this is a weekend collaboration that brings together people working/interested in the game industry to create something (anything) in three days.

I was a graphics "floater" (a name that usually gets a giggle out of the more juvenile part of my brain), meaning that I would wander about like a helpful art-hobo. I got to work with some very talented folks on some interesting projects. Here is a selection of work.

This is the cover image I did for Alex Hayter's narrative game LEIF.  The game focuses on a young boy interacting with a training simulator for his predetermined job as a janitor. Thing is, the world isn't really what is use to be, the computer just didn't get the memo. Check it out at

Next is a one of a couple backgrounds I designed for a fighting game called Fight Club Sandwich. The team Funky See Funky Do were super ambitious and had some great little bits of humor going on. I am really looking forward to seeing how the game polishes up and will post a link once I get one.

Last but not least was some goofy fun for Jason P. Kaplan featuring a game with graphics composed entirely of Jon Remedios (with Jason as the enemy to thwart). Apparently word got around that Jon has a slightly healthier than normal sense of worth, those word ended up on a T-Shirt and spread like wild fire. This made for one of the funniest things I have ever been witness to, so naturally I had to partake. I will post a link once the game is ready.

I have to say, this was one of the most entertaining and productive TOJams I have every been to. There were some fantastically impressive games from some very hard working people. I need to point out the generosity of the organizers, volunteers and sponsors. Without them the weekend would have fallen apart, thanks again.

To learn more about the Toronto Game Jam, visit and check out for a selection of the games.
Until next time

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